Pilkington Lectures: Professor Victor Stoichita

Professor Victor Stoichita, Université de Fribourg:
‘The Don Quixote Effect’
Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 March 2013, 5.15pm, Mansfield Cooper Building, lecture theatre G21

Victor Stoichita, celebrated historian of early modern art, has published numerous ground-breaking studies, including: The Self-Aware Image: An Insight into Early Modern Meta-Painting, The sacred made real, Visionary experience in the golden age of Spanish Art’, and A short history of the shadow. He has also written extensively on Goya. Murillo’s self-portrait in London’s National Gallery forms the point of departure for his talks as Visiting Pilkington Professor.

Also on Thursday, 14 March 2013, 1t 11.30 in Roscoe Room 2.8, Prof. Stoichita will host an informal seminar open to all members of the University community. In advance of that seminar, participants are encouraged to read his contribution to the catalogue The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture, 1600-1700, which is on High Demand in the Main Library and available for consultation, along with the rest of Prof. Stoichita’s books in English, in the Art History Library in Mansfield Cooper.

*** Special opportunity for AHVS students: Prof. Stoichita will host office hours on Friday morning, 15 March, from 10.30 until 12.30, in David Lomas’s office. Any student interested in discussing his or her project is warmly invited to stop by. A sign up sheet will go up in advance.

For more information, see http://lettres.unifr.ch/fr/hist/histoire-de-lart-et-archeologie/collaborateurs-histoire-de-lart/hamc-victor-stoichita.html

Reading for masterclass: Bray-Ceballos-Sacred-Made-Real

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